Hosting a Sanctioned Event
Event Organisers wishing to host an Association-Sanctioned Event should submit an application in writing, to the Association’s Authorities at least six months in advance.
The application shall initially detail what type of event intended to host:
· Gathering (non competitive event)
· Contest (competitive event)
According to the case, the application must include details of the aspects of the event as follows:
· Event date, location, and estimated timetable.
· Nature/purpose of the event: charity fund raising, culture, business, others.
· Indoor or outdoor event?
· Considerations for inclement weather (cancel event, move to indoors, rain date, etc.)
· Facilities to be provided: parking, gate control, toilets, food catering, bar, etc.
· Names and brief CVs of the judges
· Names of the Event Stewards and Band Marshall.
· Prizes, Trophies, etc.
· Maps for getting to the event location, and maps showing the intended layout within the event’s premises.
· Designated storage areas for each band/soloists to store equipment (for example classrooms if the event in held at a school).
· Designated warm-up areas for each band and soloists.
· Details of type of displays or contests to be included.
· Entry cut-off date
· Other activities, stands, tents of to be included in the event.
· Please also indicate and explain any particular deviations from the Association’s rules that need to be applied for the event.
· Please include any other relevant details to be considered in the application.
The Association’s Authorities reserves the right to request further information regarding the Event Organiser and the Event.
The Association’s Authorities reserves the right to accept or reject the application for a Sanctioned Event. Upon the submission of the above-listed information, the Executive Committee will evaluate the application and will issue a written verdict within one month of reception of the application. The decision of the Executive Committee will be based on the best information submitted. The general aim is to provide what is best for bands and soloists.
The Association will limit the sanctioned events to one per day.
Given the approval of the Association’s Authorities, The same will assist the Event Organiser in the following way:
· The event will be included in the official list of Sanctioned Events.
· Provide the contact information of registered pipe bands and independent soloists.
· Name the closest available Association’s Representative to be present at the event.
· Provide the Event Organiser with a sanctioned event digital certification icon (to be included in the specific event’s advertisement).
Once received the written Association’s Sanctioned Event Approval, the Event Organiser must distribute the above-listed information amongst all pipe bands and soloists, including information such as entry fees, definite event timetable, judges’ information, etc. The Event Organiser is entirely responsible for advertising the event.
In the case of the need to modify any of the sanctioned-related information submitted in the application, this must be submitted the earliest as possible to the Executive Committee. Upon the approval, these changes must be also be published.
Requirement agreed: December 20th, 2003