SPBASA Members at the 2015 Edinburgh Tattoo, appointed P/M from Argentina!

Post date: Aug 02, 2015 11:47:54 PM

An unprecedented accomplishment in South American pipebanding will become a reality this August when the following four pipers perform at what is nicknamed as The Greatest Show On Earth, the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo!

The above pipers will be part of The Pipers' Trail, and ad hoc pipe band formed yearly that has been steadily growing since it's first edition in 2008.  With members recruited throughout the entire World, Brian Gibson was today officially appointed as Pipe Major of this year's edition of the Pipers' Trail.

After a rigorous selection process throughout the early months of the year, this month in Edinburgh has started with a week of practices, tuning and drilling at the Army School of Bagpipe Music and Highland Drumming, followed by shows almost every evening, and closing on August 29th.

This process started in January when SPBASA was represented at the 2015 ANAPBA Summit (an event typically oriented to pipe band competition topics), also attended by Brigadier David Allfrey, MBE, the Executive Producer of the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo.  Brigadier Allfrey opened his presentation by stating that he had come "from the Dark Side", referring ironically to the show-biz side of piping and drumming.  He was in fact at that time recruiting pipers and drummers to be part of 2015's edition of The Pipers' Trail, or to attend as full bands.  SPBASA members' long history and bias towards the entertainment side of pipebanding (Highland/National dancing included) resulted in a great fit for this proposal.

It is with great pride that we wish Brian, Brian, Patricia and Gonzalo all the best at this historic event, and special congratulations to Brian Gibson for taking the additional responsibility of preparing and leading this band onto the Esplanade!

The Tattoo's grand finale, at the Edinburgh Castle's Esplanade.  

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