Amazing G4!

Post date: Nov 07, 2010 12:52:20 PM

The SAPA-hosted 4th South American Pipe Band Gathering (G4) concluded after the downtown Buenos Aires massed bands parade and pipe band cocktail on Friday Nov-5th, the pipe band competitions and displays on Saturday at the Belgrano Athletic Club, and the clinics on Saturday and Sunday (BAC and Regimiento de Patricios).

Photo: Jason Mayne

The G4 marked a milestone for having had the 1st pipe band competition in the region.  This 1st time the bands competed with a quick march medley.  Though some South American pipe bands had competition experience, this was the 1st time a competition was held in this region.

Photo: Jeannine Facht

Six out of eight pipe bands competed and the prize list is as follows:

Pipe Band overall:

SPBASA Cup: Highland Thistle Pipe Band

2nd: SAPA

3rd: St. Andrew's Society of São Paulo Pipes and Drums

Pipe corps:

1st: Highland Thistle Pipe Band

2nd: SAPA

3rd: St. Andrew's Society of São Paulo Pipes and Drums

Drum corps:

1st: SAPA

2nd: Highland Thistle Pipe Band

3rd: St. Andrew's Society of São Paulo Pipes and Drums

Highland Thistle Pipe Band - Photo: Jeannine Facht

The adjudicators and instructors were David Hilder (pipes), Blake Parkinson (pipes), Andre Tessier (drums) and Stacy Dye-Williamson (dancing).  It is always an amazing experience to have such talented guests in South America, and this case was certainly no exception.  Their knowledge, teaching skills and experience in the field were proof that they were an excellent choice.

The general impression is that all pipe bands have made a notorious improvement since the first Gathering, but especially since the G3 in Chile.  Though it was thought that the camaraderie would pay the price of this improvement through competition, this aspect was also at its best.

Based on this experience, please note that SPBASA will continue to improve the gathering and competition rules.  Feel free to contact your respective Representative should you have any feedback you would like to share.

Thanks to SAPA (and friends) for such an enjoyable weekend, thanks to all the pipers, drummers, dancers for participating, and congratulations Highland Thistle for the taking the SPBASA Cup!

The next South American Pipe Band Gathering (G5), will be held in São Paulo, Brazil, hosted by St. Andrew's Society of São Paulo Pipes and Drums.  Mark your calendars for April 2012, more details will soon be available!

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