Solo Competitions Registration Best Practices
Note: This model assumes that the number of competitors is likely to exceed the number of planned available competition time slots.
Available competition time slots.
Slot duration (e.g. 10 min per slot) - consider:
final tuning (only for piping competitions - link)
actual playing time
MC announcements
competition room in/out time
adjudication annotation/comment time
Number of slots - consider:
competition overall start-to-finish time
adjudicator category final inter-consulting and placing (if applicable)
aggregation of final results (if placings are calculated)
prepare MC prize list
breaks between categories
Publish the minimum number of competitors per category, below which a category would be canceled.
See Levels
The breakdown into levels is optional (Event Organiser’s decision)
Consider number of prizes vs. number of competitors within each level and category
The breakdown into levels is within each League
see Leagues
The breakdown into Leagues is optional (Event Organiser’s decision)
Post-planning Process:
Open Receive Requests:
Competitor Full Name (as registered within SPBASA)
Competitor Birth Year (only if using Leagues)
Competitor Level (only if using Levels)
if using self-governed levels, this is in fact Competitor Requested Level
N/A if using governed levels (levels to be provided separately)
Requested Category(ies)
Preliminary Category/Slot Allocation (first-come-first-served)
Requests exceeding preliminary slots in a category are wait-listed
Adjust number of slots per category as needed
cancel categories that did not reach the minimums
move wait-listed requests to slots as possible:
Maximise slot utilisation
Maximise number of unique competitors
Close Receive Requests
Registration Fee Payments
Close Registration process:
publish list of competitors for each category
if available and possible, also publish competition times
Pre-fill & print adjudication sheets (competitor name, level, league, category).
Example of slot allocation