Board Meetings
The Board shall meet as often as necessary, to deal with any issue that requires its attention and in the form that it believes most convenient (face-to-face, by video conference, by WhatsApp, etc.), by request of
the President,
the Executive Committee,
any three Board members with voting rights who request it.
Board meeting proceedings:
The meeting is chaired by the President or Acting President.
All Board members have the right to present a proposal (having duly informed the Executive Committee) and/or speak.
Proposals presented or any other issues that require a vote will be voted on taking the following into account:
Only members of the Board with voting rights can vote;
Pipe Band Members shall have one vote each, to be expressed by their Representative;
If a Representative is not present at the meeting, the corresponding Substitute Representatives votes in his place;
If both Representative and Substitute Representative are not present at the meeting, Pipe Band Members may exercise their vote by means of a Proxy, under the following conditions:
Permission granted to the Proxy must communicated to the Executive Committee in writing before the starting time of the meeting,
Unless otherwise communicated, Proxy votes may only be exercised on specific proposals,
Only Association Representatives and Substitute Representatives may act as Proxies,
A Proxy may only vote in place of one other Pipe Band Member;
Pipe Band Members unrepresented at a meeting who have not named a Proxy will still be included in the count of bands that determine majority thresholds;
Pipe Band Members that have not participated in voting for over twelve months will not be included in the count of bands that determine majority thresholds, but will be reinstated in the count simply by voting at a meeting;
Proposals and other issues are decided by a simple majority of votes (50%+1).