Executive Committee:
President: Richard Empson
Vice-President: Cristiano Bicudo
Secretary: Alberto Oviedo
Treasurer: vacant
Music Officer: Freddy Santana MacKinlay
Marketing Officer: José Candeias
Pipe Band Members:
Bariloche Highlanders Pipe Band: Rodrigo Mayer (Representative), Esmeralda Cáceres (Substitute)
Brazil Caledonia Pipe Band: Carlos Miranda (Representative), Fabiano Paixão (Substitute)
Chilean Highlands Pipes & Drums: Ricardo Uribe (Representative), Pablo Soto (Substitute)
City of Montevideo Pipe Band: Daniel Pereira (Representative), Gonzalo Rodríguez (Substitute)
Highland Thistle Pipe Band: Michael Maschwitz (Representative), Oscar Llobenes (Substitute)
Latitude 33 Pipe Band: Sebastian Geymonat (Representative), Marcelo Rodríguez (Substitute)
Lord Cochrane Pipe Band: Ralph Bennett (Representative), José Bahamondes (Substitute)
Riverside Pipe Band: Germán Villar (Representative), Andrés Bentancourt (Substitute)
St. Andrew’s Society of São Paulo Pipes & Drums: Alayr Junior (Representative), Thiago Scavazini (Substitute)
St. Andrew’s Society of the River Plate Pipe Band: Brian Barthe (Representative)
Santiago Metropolitan Pipe Band: Carlos Ciappa (Representative), Mario Zúñiga (Substitute)
South American Piping Association Pipe Band: Ronald MacKenzie (Representative), Rodrigo Saller (Substitute)
The Soul of Desert Pipe Band: Oscar Wilkens (Representative), Michel Parra (Substitute)
Wolney Highlanders Pipe Band: Silvio Tesch (Representative), Carlos Lima (Substitute)
Associated Members:
Brazilian Piper: Jose Paulo Filho (Representative), Wellington Gonçalves (Substitute)
Buenos Aires Tartan Army: Kevin Ham (Representative)
Mendoza Highlanders: Alejandro Marangoni (Representative), Silvina Fernández (Substitute)
Independent pipers and drummers:
Argentina: Guillermo Santana MacKinlay (Representative)
Brazil: unrepresented
Chile: unrepresented
Uruguay: Thomas Hobbins (Representative)